Housing Insecurity and Homelessness

Housing insecurity and homelessness are defined as individuals who lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence. This can include situations such as:

  1. Staying with a household temporarily or "couch surfing."
  2. Staying in Transitional Shelters or Emergency housing.
  3. Staying in motels/hotels, a car, abandoned building, bus or train stations, campgrounds or parks.
  4. Staying in substandard housing such as housing that has vermin or pests, fire or safety hazards, lack of basic utilities such as water or heat or in a building not meeting local building codes.

Read more about Homelessness and Housing Insecurity on the SchoolHouse Connection website.

Emergency Housing

If you are in immediate need of safe housing, complete the Emergency Basic Needs Request Form and notify a student services specialist. A Case Manager from the Student Advocacy & Support team will connect with you within 24 hours to help you secure safe housing.

At Risk of Homelessness Determination for Financial Aid Purposes

A student who has or is experiencing one of the following circumstances within the academic year may be eligible to be considered Independent for the purposes of their FAFSA Form.

  1. Has stayed in an emergency or transitional shelter or lived in a homeless youth drop-in center.
  2. Was eligible to be served by a street outreach program or other service designed to support those who are experiencing homelessness.
  3. Lacks permanent or adequate housing such as living in a motel, car, campsite, shelter, temporary housing program or substandard housing.
  4. A student is or is at risk of couch surfing or staying with others temporarily due to loss of housing, economic hardship or other extenuating circumstances.
  5. It is unsafe for the student to live with parent or guardian, the parent or guardian has forced the student to leave their home, or is experiencing other situations of abuse, conflict or dysfunction in the home.

If any of these situations match your current situation, please schedule an appointment with a student services specialist to discuss your options.

Affordability Resources

We're Here to Help

Have questions or need assistance? Join our virtual visits to meet with us online.

Virtual Visit Hours:
Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m.–4:45 p.m. CT

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